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Quick Intro:

“Never continue in a job you don’t enjoy. If you’re happy in what you’re doing, you’ll like yourself, you’ll have inner peace. And if you have that, along with physical health, you will have had more success than you could possibly have imagined.” — Johnny Carson

We see many of the people around us go to their jobs they hate and this is pretty common these days. Waking up each morning dreading the day and putting up with a career you don’t love doesn’t serve you at all.
No matter where and which company you work for, having a ‘cool’ job doesn’t mean that all. We’ve all had a horrible job(s) at one time – the important thing is to limit the time you spend in this environment.
Here’s a poem which says the in and out story of corporate life and a piece of advise at the end 😊 hope you LIKE it. We would love your thoughts, please comment!😋

corporate life is a cage with bars invisible,

Makes one feel invincible,
Also, bethink our lives are almost incredible;

Life in there is just like an occasion,
It might get you a good mansion,
But, people and things do get changed like a seasons;

Life in there is just like a prison,
Sitting in the (Air conditioning) AC,
It is not exactly the way you see;

Yes, life in there is just like a prison,
It never leads to a life of a pigeon,
Flying freely in the air,
With no mental pressure in there;

It is not the place you meant to be,
Go get your real Life, and
Be the person you always wanted to be,
Be the person you always wanted to be..!”

P.S. — Still confused about you work? 🤔
We recommend you to read the article written by ‘Laura Garnett’.

Rajesh Raj

Author / Administrator

One Comment

  • Vasanth says:

    Well said. True linez 😀

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