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Quick Intro:

“Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path.”
— Unknown Quote

Often life is compared with the time for many of its reasons but one among that is because time resembles our life so accurately. Just like the different time zones but with the same time, we all have the same phases of life for one it is new and for the other, its the phase they have already come out.

When it comes to our loved ones we usually feel to be there for them always in all their good and bad times, we would be ready to feel for them and step into their shoes in their difficult times, which is impractical most of the time.

Also, some situations in life make one so introverted that they won’t feel like to open up even with his/her friends & family and do struggle in handling their inner feelings. This would also make us take tough decisions with strong negative thoughts. Some try to get courage and come out of it but for some, it is not at all possible.

Here is a poem describing one such scenario, do share this with your friends/family or with anyone with whom you would like to share ‘these feelings expressed in this poem’ and say them that YOU ARE there for them ALWAYS!😊  

We hope you like this poem, feel FREE to comment your thoughts 💭 below which also encourages us to write more!😊

“Though you wish to take,
I cannot give it to you,
Though I wish to give,
You cannot take a few;
I just wish to be with you,
Expect the same from you,
Expect the same from you;

We all have that time,
A time which flies when happy
Gets laggy when feeling low,
We all go through the same,
We all have the same clock,
But with the different time,
But with the different time;

Stop being a reticent,
Set free your thoughts,
Every thought has a feeling,
A feeling when expressed,
Becomes a valuable thought,
A thought which could be considerable,
By which you would be more understandable,
Just stop thinking negative,
Neither you nor your life is a feeble,
Neither you nor your life is a feeble;

Though I wish to take,
You cannot give it to me,
Though you wish to give,
I cannot take a few,
It’s just the dark time,
Melts like a dew;

No matter what,
I promise to you,
Dusk till dawn of life,
I’ll be with you
I’ll be with you..”

We hope you enjoyed reading this post. Do Share, Comment, Follow & stay connected on Instagram | Facebook | Twitter & hit the ❤️ below!
Rajesh Raj

Author / Administrator


  • Aafiya says:

    Well written 😇

  • Varshini says:

    Very nice

  • Vishwa Parikh says:

    Love the entire way this has been formulated. Absolutely beautiful❤

  • Natasha says:

    This is really beautiful.

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